Divinely Inspired Assistance to make

the next Step in Human Consciousness

Peace Within... Peace on Earth

SOTU channeled through J. Schwartzbach

April 2024

Home of SOTU

SOTU is channeled by

The Hippie Mystic

Josh Schwartzbach

When the problems seem unsolvable, worldwide & escalating, we offer a voice of

Truth & Wisdom from outside the set.

SOTU offers expansive perspectives and DIY techniques to ease change. They remind us, at least emotionally, of who we really are and meet us at every question with an answer that both satisfies and provokes. They are here to help us make a marvelous leap.

SOTU is non-religious...and totally Divine.

“The times of greatest crises are also the times of greatest opportunity

for positive change. This is one of those times. How easy will it be to

solve the problems of today?"

"Linearly it is nearly impossible, however, utilizing the power that

each & every one of you has as co-creators, we would suggest

that most of you would wish to live in Peace.” – SOTU

Peace Begins


Access to SOTU in groups




FaceBook pages for Calendar &

Group Conversation


A Blog - submit your offerings

on Peace for potential inclusion


Video clips & archive of

SOTU's many offerings on

the creation of Peace


- Scroll down the page for

Current quotes

from SOTU -



next - October 7

Live "Peace Talks" with SOTU

part of 'Conversations with SOTU'

for now - Open to the public & members

7:00 p.m. EST - by Zoom

Contact for info & link




SOTUesday - October 8

private group



October 20

Live PEACE Meditation & Channeling

11 -2:00 EST

Pittsfield, MA & by Zoom

Contact for info & link

by Donation

What is your definition of Peace?

Energetically, the world we now live in is like a knotted ball of yarn,

impossible to straighten out.

Complications are built upon complications.

The possibilities of solutions are lost in the rhetoric of division.

A shift in belief is needed, but how to begin to shift that belief?

A Civilized Society measures itself by how the least of its people

are doing, not the best.” - SOTU

In a Civilized Society, every Human being has the Right to at least their survival needs met as far as Food, Water, Shelter, Healthcare & Education.

Peace Begins with Enough for All.

“Here’s a thought that is not spoken nearly enough. As sparks of the Divine (or perhaps simple human dignity, although that hasn’t worked very well until now) you are each entitled to have at the very least, your survival needs met. You should each have an equal playing field in this

exploration of consciousness. That means Food, Water, Shelter,

Healthcare, & Education.” – SOTU

Imagine a world where all your – and everyone else’s -

basic survival needs were met?

Imagine a world built on Caring, Connection & Compassion.

You create your reality through your beliefs & judgments, so you might as well give yourself the most flexible belief system possible.” – SOTU

Genesis of Peace


Take this profound guided journey with

Josh Schwartzbach, the Hippie Mystic,

to understand & start your journey

to Peace.

Deeply powerful for you & humanity.

There is Enough

You are Enough

Imagine Enough


The Peace Genesis Project is the outgrowth of 30+ years of metaphysical adventures with Josh Schwartzbach and Adrienne Metcalf.

Our discoveries about the human psyche and humanity’s journey have led us to KNOW…Humanity has a Future of Peace.

Clearly the old systems of belief that kept us safe are no longer working. We are living through a transformation of human consciousness. Daily we are being urged to grow beyond competition and comparison, based on the false belief that there is not enough.

Each one of us has a part to play as a Divine imperative is urging growth universally. We will get there, despite the current paradigm of kicking and screaming. The best is yet to come.

Pisac, Peru 2004

OK….right up front in the spirit of transparency, here comes the spiritual stuff.

Peace Begins with Enough for All means ALL

All deserve Enough.

Be you Devout, Spiritualist, Atheist, Fundamentalist, Agnostic, Apathetic, Seeking and

everyone in between.


The Peace Genesis Project was directly born out of our profound levels of both Healing and Forgiveness.
Our emotional healing and the subsequent forgiveness – of the ‘other’, of ourselves, of the Divine and even of our humanity in transition – was assisted by....

hold onto your hat – a non-physical consciousness we call SOTU.

Yes, we’re talking serious ‘Woo-Woo’.
Question? …of course. Consider? …hopefully.

SOTU is channeled by Josh


We have worked with SOTU for over 30 years. SOTU has talked to thousands; publicly, personally, and privately to make

the transformation easier. SOTU describes themselves simply as the ‘energy of growth in our physical universe’.

They are here now to help us grow up; to enter our adulthood as a species.

We and SOTU offer numerous portals of connection and information, workshops and communication to help with your

DIY Healing and Forgiveness.

SOTU also shares a pragmatic and metaphorical story of humanity from the Garden until now which gives context,

perspective, compassion and understanding of who we are.

We have no desire to convince or recruit anyone into our spiritual journey. What you believe is a purely personal experience

and choice. Yet seeking the common good of all humanity we would say is Divinely inspired.

Now is the time, the old ways of doing and being are falling away.

Does your moral compass point toward PEACE?

Peace starts with asking yourself one simple question…

What does Peace mean to you?







current messages from SOTU

"Are you in charge of your emotional state? - or is your emotional state in charge of you?"

"What's it called? .... It's called emotional maturity is it not?"

"Why is it - and we're going to get in trouble for this one - why does it seem to be that women

don't have to move into a dynamic of emotional maturity?"

"Men are no more emotionally mature than women....It's just different."

"We're describing a dynamic of separation, that we're wishing to encourage you all to incorporate

within each other so that you may be moving more into your own sovereignty."

- SOTU from "Peace Talks" 9.30.2024


"The reflections of your reality, the dynamics of the actual circumstances of reality,

are bringing you through a dynamic of fate."

"Bringing you where you are going to need to exercise your Free Will, in such a way as to say
this is who I want to be." - SOTU for "Peace Talks" 9.23.2024


"Each time faced with something that upsets you, that seems to come from the outside...

that rubs you the wrong way, you have as much responsibilityfor what you don't do

as for what you do do." - SOTUesday 9.24.2024


"You will look back on history and say this was the beginning." - 7.2.2024


Choose from our Silver, Gold and Platinum Memberships

Silver Membership

Join for Free

  • Access to All Session Recordings with SOTU

  • Newletter & Blog Updates

  • Access to Aligned Business Marketplace (coming soon)

Gold Membership

Donations Welcome

$5 / Month


$50 / Year

  • Free Membership plus...

  • Live Conversations with SOTU - "Peace Talks"

  • Early Access to Workshops

  • Group Forum

  • Aligned Business Marketplace Discounts (Coming Soon)

Platinum Membership

Donations Welcome

$10 / Month


$100 / Year

  • Everything in Gold, plus...

  • Round Table Sessions with SOTU

  • Discounts on Workshops

  • Discounts on PGP Merchandise

Session Recordings

Weekly short video excerpts from SOTU’s conversation with a private

group. SOTU’s cutting edge work interspersed with their 30-year

body of proven work.

Newsletter & Forum Updates

Weekly Newsletter keeps you up to date with what SOTU is talking

about as well as what is percolating in the Forum and the Round


Live Conversations with SOTU

A weekly Monday evening 2 hour live ‘Conversations with SOTU’ on

Zoom. All areas open for discussion. Get your opportunity to talk to



SOTU will offer hour long video workshops – from basics of reality

creation to the creation of Peace humanity wide.

Group Forum

So much of SOTU’s concepts inspire lively conversations as we chew

on and digest them in relation to our personal lives. The Forum is a

safe place to explore with others on this journey of consciousness.

Round Table Sessions with SOTU

Periodically SOTU will work with a small group to explore specific

areas of Humanity’s potential.



“It was through working with SOTU that I began to believe I could affect my reality. …my old patterns began to fall away and new situations and relationships began to emerge. And for the first time in my life I began to trust myself… I would recommend you take your own journey with SOTU. Life on the other side will never be the same!”

-Tracey M.



No, but really, I look forward to hearing from SOTU every week. I believe I’ve been one of the younger ones you’ve been able to reach. Many of the topics that SOTU speaks about is very relatable and what I feel everyone is going through whether or not they realize it. I’ve grown more spiritually and begun to understand my path here more as well. So, thank you SOTU, Josh and Adie. I appreciate all you’re doing, I truly do and I can’t wait to expand my thoughts more as we go along.

-Michelle, 29


In 2006, I had my first encounter with channeling. It was hearing Josh channel SOTU, and even though I was puzzled and confused by the meaning of it all, it resonated somewhere deep in my psyche. I continue to puzzle and be confused at times, because we are moving into "deeper waters"! I am eternally grateful to Josh, Adrienne and SOTU. In Love and Gratitude,

-Jeanie S.


“Thank you for all the joy you have brought me… and other people”

-Caller on Healing the Rift Radio show


” an entity with an attitude…refreshing!”

-Rob O.


Having conversated with Sotu for a number of years, the one woo woo takeaway is that spirit does have a great sense of humour!



I first discovered the phenomenon of channeling when I was around 20 years old.
I immediately felt, in my gut, that it was nothing short of an incredible gift.
Down here on earth we have such a limited perspective, and when we can have guidance from beings who aren’t incarnate – and therefore subject to these limitations – it can be profoundly assisting to us.
Even Plato‘s Allegory of the Cave, written thousands of years ago, touches on this notion. SOTU is no exception.
There really aren’t words to describe how beneficial they have been to me.
I know it can be kind of cliché to say that something is “beyond words,“ but in this case it’s absolutely true.
Meaning, the way my life and its various circumstances have been ameliorated by their wisdom is something I cannot describe here.
I will be forever grateful to Josh and Adrienne.


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